Cloud Machine Testing

NPM Version

Generic infrastructure for testing scripted configuration for cloud machines.


See the online documentation for the full API, including:

const chai = require("chai");
const should = chai.should();
const CloudMachineTest = require("@rweda/cloud-machine-testing");
const FormatTestOutput = require("@rweda/cloud-machine-testing/FormatTestOutput");
const GCETestMachine = require("@rweda/cloud-machine-testing/GCETestMachine");

 * Runs tests against a Google Compute Engine machine.
class MyMachineTest extends CloudMachineTest {

  constructor() {
    this.machine = new GCETestMachine();
    this.out = new FormatTestOutput();

   * Run automated tests on a newly created machine running on the Google Compute Engine.
   * @return {Promise} resolves when testing has finished.
  automatedTests() {
    return this.out
      .section("Directory Existence", () => {
        return this.out
          .it("should have '/dev'", () => {
            return this.machine
              .ssh("[ -d '/dev' ]; echo $?")
              .then(res => res.stdout)
              .then(code => code.should.equal("0"));
          .then(this.out._it("should have '/var'", () => {
            return this.machine
              .ssh("[ -d '/var' ]")
              .then(res => res.stdout)
              .then(code => code.should.equal("0"));
      .then(() => this.out.section("Root User", () => {
        return this.out
          .it("should have '/root'", () => {
            return this.machine
              .ssh("sudo [ -d '/root' ]; echo $?")
              .then(res => res.stdout)
              .then(code => code.should.equal("0"));


const tester = new MyMachineTest();