const readline = require("readline");
const exec = require("child-process-promise").exec;
const chalk = require("chalk");
* Utilities for clean log output and user input.
class IO {
constructor() {
this.yesRegex = /^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])+$/;
this.isCI = typeof process.env.CI !== "undefined";
this.statusFormat = chalk.magenta;
this.questionFormat =;
this.ciAnswerFormat = chalk.yellow;
this.formatDefault = chalk.bold;
* Provides a section header to mark a section of script running.
* @param {String} msg the message to print.
* @return {void}
status(msg) {
* Rings an auditory bell when prompting for input.
* @return {Promise} resolves when the sound is finished playing, or immediately if bell is disabled.
bell() {
if(process.env.CI || process.env.NO_BELL) {
return Promise.resolve();
return exec("paplay /usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/notifications/Xylo.ogg");
* Queries the user for a "yes/no" question. If in CI, uses a default, and creates fake console output to simulate
* asking the question to the user and getting a response, to allow the user to follow along.
* @param {String} question the text of the question to ask the user.
* @param {String} consoleDefault the default input if the user doesn't provide input. Use `"Y"` or `"N"`.
* @param {String} ciDefault the default input to use in CI. Use `"Y"` or `"N"`.
* @return {Promise<Boolean>} `true` if the user answered "yes", `false` if the user answered "no".
* @example <caption>Basic Usage</caption>
* const io = new IO();
* io
* .yesNo("Use current directory, instead of '/var/my-app/'?", "Y", "N")
* .then(answer => console.log(answer ? "Using current directory." : "Using '/var/my-app/'."));
yesNo(question, consoleDefault, ciDefault) {
if(this.isCI) {
const {y, n} = this.formatYesNo(ciDefault);
console.log(this.questionFormat(`${question} (${y}/${n}) `) + this.ciAnswerFormat(ciDefault.toUpperCase()));
return Promise.resolve(this.yesRegex.test(ciDefault));
else {
const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout });
const askQuestion = (text) => new Promise(resolve => rl.question(text, resolve));
const {y, n} = this.formatYesNo(consoleDefault);
return askQuestion(this.questionFormat(`${question} (${y}/${n}) `))
.then(answer => {
answer = (answer || "").trim();
return this.yesRegex.test(answer.length > 0 ? answer : consoleDefault);
* Provides the format for the "Y/N" prompt.
* @param {String} defaultVal the default value for the question.
* @return {Object} `{ y, n }` containing formatted strings for the `Y` and `N` parts of the default input.
* @private
formatYesNo(defaultVal) {
return {
y: this.yesRegex.test(defaultVal) ? this.formatDefault("Y") : "y",
n: this.yesRegex.test(defaultVal) ? "n" : this.formatDefault("N"),
module.exports = IO;